Falling in Love

Falling in love, that’s rare. People these days fall in sexual desires and call it Love. They, however had been over those desires in these few days that they had known each other. It is as if second lives for both of them, the first one meaningless, while the second one defining. Today there is something between them that is more than Love. Pure passion, pure intermingling of souls !

Falling in LoveHe never though he would ever get so committed to someone. But nobody is made for commitment unless they meet that somebody. Many can make you fall in love but it takes the right person to make you fall in commitment with them. She was the Right person for him. First time he saw her, she was smiling and her smile was so big that it extended to his face as well.

She on the other hand always believed in Magic of Love, as those who don’t believe in magic never find it. She always expected to experience the thrill of loving and being loved. A very sophisticated, educated young lady with a clear goal and sorted out life. But something was missing from her fairy tale. And then she saw him. He seemed like a mess, but she admired him anyways. Sometimes even chaos is gorgeous.

Their best conversation was when their eyes met for the first time. She knew that magic has happened, while he kept wondering what is it about this woman, making him want to hold on to her for eternity. It didn’t matter whether they whispered or shouted those three words. Their actions spoke enough. Today he softly holds her hand when she is sad, making sure if nothing else, at least his touch gives her solace. And she does find peace in his arms.


Photo Courtesy : Harshad Phanasalkar

2 thoughts

  1. one thing that beats me is
    why do they say “falling” in love?

    why can’t it be standing, walking, running or for that matter sitting in love?

    the person who coined the phrase did it without giving it too much of a thot or was it a well considered choice of the word

    1. Vishram, Love takes you to new heights, but to truly understand and value the high levels, one must get a feel of depths. Once you ‘Fall’ in Love you never fall anywhere again, you always rise. 🙂

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